You can order personally signed photos and books directly from Lara, with a dedication of your choice. Send a list of items required, plus a check for the correct amount made payable to:
Lara Parker
P.O. Box 1254
CA 90290
All items are hand-signed. If you would like your item personalized, please indicate the name it should be signed to. To ensure that you receive the correct items, please include the item numbers on your list, or print this page and circle your selections. Please note: Shipping is $6.00 per order, not per item. If you are ordering photographs with books or CDs, combined shipping will be $12.00.
Announcing new Dark Shadows Novel: THE HEIRESS OF COLLINWOOD.
Victoria Winters returns to Collinwood to uncover the secrets of her past and rekindle an old love with Barnabas Collins. But a new suitor appears who is either a promise of happiness or a threat to her life.
$15.00 plus $6.00 shipping.
As an innocent child on the island of Martinique, Angelique is imprisoned by her evil father and she learns the dark secrets of witchcraft. She is wooed by a dashing your navel officer, Barnabas Collins, but when she discovers her betrothed has abandoned her for her mistress, Josette, Angelique seeks revenge.
This book is out of print and copies are scarce. Lara is now ordering the book from TOR (POD - Print on Demand)
$20.00, plus $6.00 shipping and handling per book.
During the Salem witch trails of 1694, Angelique's earliest incarnation, Miranda du Val, is accused of witchcraft and sentenced to be hanged. So begins the curse of the Collins family and the price succeeding generations must pay for the greed and hypocrisy of the earliest ancestors.
$15.00, plus $6.00 shipping.

NEW: Dark Shadows: Wolf Moon Rising
Lara's third novel, featuring an all-new tale about Quentin and Elizabeth's secret past and a new threat at Collinwood, finds David, now a teenager, and in love a young girl who is new incarnation of Angelique.
$15.00, plus $6.00 shipping and handling.
B5. SPECIAL OFFER: While stocks last, buy any two Dark Shadows books -- except for ANGELIQUE'S DESCENT-- together for only $25.00, plus $6.00 shipping and handling. Please list the titles required on your order.

B7. Bugs & Critters I Have Known
The bestselling children's book written by Lara's mother, Ann Heiskell Rickey, and illustrated by Lara's aunt, Ardeane Heiskell Smith.
$10.00 plus $6.00 shipping and handling per book/CD order.
Talking Books on CD
Dark Shadows: Angelique's Descent
Lara reads her original novel on four CDs, with music and sound effects. Over four hours of listening, complete with a bonus interview. These CDs can now be ordered from BIG FINISH PRODUCTIONS.Lara's first three books, recorded by her, are available on
CD2. Bugs & Critters I Have Known
Lara reads her mother's charming children's stories.
$10.00, plus $6.00 shipping and handling per book/CD order.
Angelique Portraits
Lara is offering limited edition replicas of the enchanting Angelique portrait from Night of Dark Shadows. Digitally scanned from Lara's original, these replicas are printed on canvas using the Giclee process to the highest standards and look identical to the original painting. The canvas can be signed by Lara, if requested, on the front or the back. Shipped rolled. POR-1. 30" x 40" (same size as the original) $180.00 plus $15.00 UPS insured shipping
POR-2. 20" x 26" $135.00 plus $15.00 UPS insured shipping
POR-3. 16" x 20" $75.00 plus $15.00 UPS insured shipping
NEW: From the Dark Shadows Movie – Color 10" x 8" photographs$15.00 each, plus $6.00 shipping and handling per order. Please order by the number shown in the corner of the image.
Color 10" x 8" photographs
$15.00 each, plus $6.00 shipping and handling per order. Please order by the number shown in the corner of the image.
Black and white 10" x 8" photographs
$15.00 each, plus $6.00 shipping and handling per order. Please order by the number shown in the corner of the image.